Sunday, July 26, 2009

Linky Linky Sunday: Premiere Edition

Okay, so I've decided I'm going to give myself a couple light days a week by dedicating Saturdays to some sort of fun picture gallery (no necessarily of hot cosplayers, but I reserve the right to revisit such a deep and rich theme as often as necessary to plumb the depths... as it were). Sundays shall be dedicated to all the link and video weirdness I was able to dig up during the week.


Let's start with a little hot Olivia Munn-in-a-music-video action as an aperitif, shall we?

...and then downshift immediately into the Egg Masturbator.

It's not what you think.

It's worse:

God damnit, Japan! I mean, really.


Let's wash that away with WGN News anchors Robert Jordan and Jackie Bange enjoying a commercial break:

"Anime Iron Man"? Why yes, don't mind if I do:

"TRON Legacy"? Oh, I don't think I could possibly... well, all right. One more bite.

I'll have more and better next time when I've got some forethought and planning handy. Until then you'll just have to make do. Somehow.

-- The Prolix Wag
I can even condescend on my day off.


  1. So the music video was adorable! And the Ironman anime looks awesome. Great links, man!
