Thursday, July 16, 2009

Links You Should Click

Creative juices aren't flowing tonight; I'll expand on why they are in a later post, when they are. Because otherwise the explanation would be as boring as the problem. And we can't have that.


I'll tell you when you're older.

Instead, here's a roundup of Links You Should Click:

It's a Shuggoth. Duh.

There's Sleazy, and Then There's Army Sleazy (Part 2,234 in a 5,342 part series)

Bitch, Don't Call Me Retired

The Hottest Thing I Have Ever Seen (and I'm NOT Talking About Gwynneth Paltrow with a Repulsor Beam Strapped To Her Arm)

I Don't Give a Damn about Final Fantasy, and I Still Think This is Awesome

And Here's the Sequel (Still Don't Give a Damn about Final Fantasy, Though)

And we'll finish with the weirdest video ever. What's weird is, I can swallow pretty much all of it, except for the fact that Lara enjoyed it:

Video Games from MUSCLEBEAVER on Vimeo.


-- The Prolix Wag
Just try and picture the links I didn't share.

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