Saturday, July 4, 2009

Don't Cry for Me, Alaska...

The thing that amazes me about Sarah Palin's rambling, incoherent resignation announcement isn't the fact that she up and resigned out of nowhere, or the fact that she pretty much told everyone that any governor who serves out his term is doing their state a deep disservice (???), or the fact that she is still deeply devoted to her own victimhood, or the fact that she's still falling back on what she excelled at in High School.

No, what amazes me most is the fact that pretty much no one in the media seems interested in pointing out just how little sense she made. I mean, good lord:

My choice is to take a stand and effect change - not hit our heads against the wall and watch valuable state time and money, millions of your dollars, go down the drain in this new environment. Rather, we know we can effect positive change outside government at this moment in time, on another scale, and actually make a difference for our priorities - and so we will, for Alaskans and for Americans.

Look, I can understand a little bit of healthy American populist anti-intellectualism, but that MAKES NO DAMN SENSE WHATSOEVER. Many politicians manage to talk a lot and say nothing, but I've never seen one abandon the rules of conventional grammar so completely to do it. And not get called on it.

I dunno, I'm just remembering back to the election, and how it was somehow not okay to point out the fact that this woman is stupid. I mean, not-quite-ready-for-city-council stupid. Dumber-than-Dan-Quayle stupid. And that she was as close as you can get to being the Vice President of this country and not get it.

Of course, we went through eight years of the same thing with our actual President, but let's not get into that. And, to be fair, she is stupider than he is.

-- The Prolix Wag

I’m not an elitist; I just – okay, okay. I’m totally an elitist.


  1. I think she is devoted to the huge sack of cash she is going to make when she quits the government and becomes a member of the cult of talking heads.

  2. Upon further reflection, I honestly think she's going to make a run of it; Sarah Palin + Narcissistic Personality Disorder makes a LOT of sense. Girlfriend just plain has an inflated sense of her place in the universe.

    Moreso than most politicians, I mean.
